Minou Norouzi

Filmmaker, writer, organiser-of-things


UK 2006 | 07:50 min | digital video, sound

Imago maps a series of frozen moments in the Los Angeles acting community. Each actor is seen in their day job delivering their favourite line from a movie. Conceived as a hypothesis that a person’s favourite line from a movie contains within it the essence of an ideal, a passion, conviction or sense of self, Imago is a meditation on the day to day architectural space where desire is incubated.

Exhibited at Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento (BIM), Buenos Aires 2014; South London Gallery 2012; Arlington Arts Centre, Virginia, USA 2010 (curator: Tayrn Simon); QUAD Gallery, Derby UK 2009; Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan 2008 (curator: Sean C.S. Hu); Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow 2007; Telic Arts Exchange, Los Angeles 2006.